Live Life Guided By Your Intuitive Channel

The Next Group Starts Spring 2025.

Learn to read the Akashic Records for yourself and for others.

Welcome to a unity conscious container of gifted people who are ready to grow and expand their minds, hearts, and souls. Learning to read the Akashic Records will guide you to embrace your shadow, ignite your personal power, and experience unknown levels of love in your life. 

“The first time I opened the Akashic Records, I felt an intense yet peaceful shift of energy, and I heard the words ``Welcome home.” Since then I have experienced a massive acceleration in my soul’s evolution, and I want to share this immense gift with my tribe. I practice and teach reading the Akashic Records in a way that is firmly grounded in the energy of the Earth in order to be open to receive from the cosmos what is most important on our path at this time.”
- Dana


Experience twelve 90- minute virtual group sessions dedicated to inner exploration, expanding intuition, and learning to read the Akashic Records. 

  • Receive one private Akashic Records Readings with Dana

  • Experience deep holistic healing to transcend barriers in your relationships and your life

  • Tap into Profound insight into your life and soul’s purpose

  • Open your heart and mind to what is possible for you

  • Ignite and expand your intuitive and psychic gifts

  • Connect to a community of powerful healers called to the spiritual path 


Group option: $2500 payment in full OR 3 monthly payments of $934

Private option: $4000 payment in full  OR 3 monthly payments of $1435

Next Group TBA

So much is waiting for you in the Akasha!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • There are so many things…

    From Sanskrit, the word Akasha translates to mean “ether” or “space”. The Akashic Records are an energetic reservoir of all knowing. They are the imprint of your soul and every soul’s journey. They offer a universal perspective of your life and everything and everyone connected to you.

    When we access the Akashic Records, we become a channel. We receive a download of information from our Angels, our spirit guides, our ancestors, our Highest Self, Spirit and our loved ones. The information that comes through is what is relevant, appropriate, and supportive for you on your life’s journey at this time.

  • If a participant is not able to make one of the sessions, it will be recorded for group members to watch when they are able.