Is something deep within you calling out to be healed?

The journey back to your authentic self awaits. And Dana is your guide to walk you down the path.
She goes beyond the surface to facilitate deeper more profound levels of healing. Her compassion and years of experience will guide you to feel  supported, connected, and curious to explore the multiple facets of your being.  

During four private 75 minute sessions, we will blend together guided meditation, simple breath-work, reiki, akashic records, and shamanic energy healing to help you:

  • Ease anxiety, fears, and other energetic imbalances that hold you back in your relationships and your life.

  • Holistically connect to your true essence

  • Heal trauma in multiple realms including past life, generational, and ancestral

  • Experience soul retrieval

  • Fall back in love with yourself and your divine purpose.

You can get started with the first session in the package now, or book an Inner Truth Awakening intro session to see what this work is all about. 

In-person or virtual
Investment: $1111

Frequently asked questions

  • First and foremost, come with an open mind. The energy of a session flows quite beautifully when you come with no expectations and are receptive to whatever it is the Universe wants you to receive or know at this time.

    It can be helpful to set an intention for your session. This is a co-creation between your spirit guides and you- with Dana as the channel. If you feel called to do so, you can prepare questions to ask. There are no right or wrong questions.

  • In your intro session, you will share what your intentions are for your healing or what guidance you would like to receive at this time. Depending on your needs, you may receive hands-on Reiki, an akashic records reading or a combination of both. In the following sessions Dana will guide you in a focused way through the energetic layers of your being to facilitate soul integration, continued holistic healing, and energetic harmony.

  • Soul integration is the process of coming back to your authentic self and true essence. It can involve healing of the body, mind, and spirit, releasing energetic blocks, learning more about who you naturally are, discovering your passion, and experiencing unconditional love for your whole self.

You are not meant to be separate from your soul.
You are meant to be whole. 

“I’ve left each session with Dana  feeling so much lighter, clearer, and fully confident in my next steps. She creates a really safe and welcoming space for you to open up.”

Sophi- San Diego, CA

“After this experience with Dana, I feel more intune with my own body. My thoughts are shifting to be more productive and positive rather than destructive. I also feel more connected to myself than I have in years.”

JV- Edwards, CO

“I loved working with Dana!  I am so glad that she has become such an important person in my life and a key member of my healing team.”

Erik- Aspen, CO